a weekend getaway

i took a weekend off!!!!! a whole weekend, actually 4 days! a whole weekend i didn’t stand in my tent! and it didn’t rain (much). i also found a new appreciation for the colours of the georgian bay area. in fact i think i’m going to do a whole new series based called nares inlet, all mossy and licheny (is that a word?), with quartz and rock and pine trees. i’ll be adding lots of photos to my flikr site in the next day or so. check out this flowering moss, who knew moss flowered?

we ate, drank, played on rocks, foraged for food, ate more, kayaked, sailed, canoed, scrambled on rocks, ate more, and found raspberries.i’ve made tiger beads, cheetah beads, leopard beads, coming soon… chipmunk beads. you have no idea how long it took me to get this shot. i fed most of the chipmunks in the forest and lay on the deck drinking wine for hours, ah, the sacrifices we make for art.
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