Oh boy oh boy oh boy, we’re off adventuring!!!!
Yes amigos, it’s that time of year when the mercury drops and the turquoise water beckons. I hear the dolphins calling, “Sailorgirl, Sailorgirl come play with us!” I can’t refuse a dolphin, can I? Although I’ve learned that plans are just vague ideas that would be nice to do, (see When a plan is not a plan…) we’re planning on the Bahamas.
I’m thinking of how cool snorkeling at Thunderball Cay is. We can do a little shopping at the pink store on Staniel Cay. Hopefully the propietors of the blue store won’t remember the Pirate Guy and we can get in. On a previous shopping expedition to the blue store (with dirt floor, chickens pecking and an inventory of several cans of well aged Dinty Moore stew), the Pirate Guy was asked to leave because he did not have a shirt on.
Maybe I’ll commune for a while with the iguanas of Allen’s Cay. Then there’s all those places whose names evoke images of white sand beaches, sea shells and palm trees. Green Turtle Cay, Eleuthra, Spanish Wells….
Of course we also have our charts to Cuba with us. And San Salvador really isn’t that far away….
Quien sabe? It’s a big world, time to explore. We’ll get where we get.
To read previous Bahamian adventures, click here.