Wind Speed Chart
Beaufort Miles per hour Km per Hour Land Description Sailing Description
0 <1 <1.6 Calm: Still: Smoke will rise vertically. Use the motor
1 1-3 1.6-4.8 Light Air: Rising smoke drifts, weather vane is inactive. Use the motor
2 4-7 6.4-11.3 Light Breeze: Leaves rustle, can feel wind on your face, weather vane is inactive. Full main, large jib, boat begins to heel (tilt)
3 8-12 12.9-19.3 Gentle Breeze: Leaves and twigs move around. Light weight flags extend. FUN! Full main, large jib, boat heels (tilts)
4 13-18 20.9-29.0 Moderate Breeze: Moves branches, raises dust and paper. GREAT! Full main, large jib, boat making speed
5 19-24 30.6-38.6 Fresh Breeze: Moves trees sway. Leeward rail near water. Single reef in main, smaller jib
6 25-31 40.2-50.0 Strong Breeze: Large tree branches move, open wires (such as telegraph wires) begin to “whistle”, umbrellas are difficult to keep under control. Sailing is “spirited”. Second reef in main
7 32-38 51.5-61.2 Moderate Gale: Large trees begin to sway, noticeably difficult to walk. Can’t sail to windward. Three reefs in main (if possible) working jib
8 39-46 62.8-74.0 Fresh Gale: Twigs and small branches are broken from trees, walking into the wind is very difficult. Boat’s sailing ability is limited. Use motor, seek shelter
9 47-54 75.6-86.9 Strong Gale: Slight damage occurs to buildings, shingles are blown off of roofs. Run under bare poles, lie ahull, set a sea anchor
10 55-63 88.5-101.4 Whole Gale: Large trees are uprooted, building damage is considerable. Promise things to any deity you can think of.
11 64-72 103.0-115.9 Storm: Extensive widespread damage. These typically occur only at sea, and rarely inland. ARGH.
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