around the world in 80 dots
one of the coolest features of this blog thing is the world map of recent visitors. everyday i am blown away and amazed that my little words travel so many miles. and how does everyone get here? how did you get here? occasionally i see a dot and think, oh yeah, that’s my friend who’s travelling in a faraway place. more often i am mystified as to how those little dots got onto the map. who are you dear reader in switzerland? and germany, how did you get here? did you enjoy your visit? was i a worthwhile distraction? sometimes it’s a little intimidating, i feel that my words must be meaningful and important, that i should be witty, amusing, deep. or maybe i should just consider myself a brief break in your work day (yes most of you visit during office hours) and stop worrying about being a fountain of wisdom. a brief moment of amusement and a nice piece of eye candy. so here’s today’s eye candy…

Dear Sailor Girl,
I’m not from any far away or exotic land. I’m from Lancaster, PA. I’m a sailor wanabe. It scares the hell out of me, but it’s something I really want to do and make it something me, my wife and sons can all do together. We are nowhere near there financially, but someday…
I found you by googling “learn to sail” or “sailing basics” or something like that. I’ve been hooked ever since. I’m looking forward to reading about your new adventures. I hope you set sail soon!
I’m seriously thinking of buying my wife some of your jewelry. I don’t know why it took me so long. I should have bought her something of yours for Christmas.