4 hands, 2 weeks, 1 set of blueprints equals…..Robbie! Robbie is a Chameleon nesting dinghy designed by Danny Greene of Offshore Designs. If you’re interested in plans, he can be reached at dtgreene@ibl.bm. LOA: 10’4″ stern: 5’4″ bow: 5′ beam:…
Read MoreAdventures & Musings: Dinghies
Building Robbie
Spike the Dinghy
Never buy a dinghy just because it’s named after your dead iguana. Someone should have told us this before we forked over the $100 for Spike. But the price was right, and when we heard the name it was a…
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Robbie is Launched!
The story so far, Sailorgirl and the Pirate Guy are just not good with dinghies. Inflatables deflate. Inflatables get stolen. Hard dinghies sink. You get the picture, we’re not good with dinghies. So by the end of our fifth cruising…
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So why do we need another dinghy? Well that’s a story in it’s own. We’re not good with dinghies, I don’t know what it is, they’re our achilles heel. When we came up with the plan to buy a boat…
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