Oh boy! My first day of my first Wonder Week is up! Every day for one week I will post new jewelry using only beads I currently have on my bench. Some days I’ll make one piece, some days I’ll…
Read MoreOh boy! My first day of my first Wonder Week is up! Every day for one week I will post new jewelry using only beads I currently have on my bench. Some days I’ll make one piece, some days I’ll…
Read MoreHappy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday dear Canada Happy birthday to you. Coming soon, (by June 15), a special limited edition Oh Canada collection to celebrate Canada’s 150th birthday! To get started on this party this…
Read MoreThank you SOOOO much for your feedback on social media last time! I read a lot of business magazines and websites and sometimes I get overwhelmed and think I should be jumping on the next bandwagon. However just because there’s…
Read MoreI have a question for you this month my amigos and I would REALLY appreciate your feedback. What social media platforms do you use on a regular basis? Currently I use Facebook and Instagram, however I’ve been asked a few…
Read MoreWhen we chatted last I was sitting in the sweltering heat thinking about where to go and chill out. You know what? It’s September 7 and it is 30 degrees today! This is crazy isn’t it? Looks like we’re going…
Read MoreWeek 1 – 77 days to go The reality is setting in, it’s going to happen. There are 77 days until the Christmas One of a Kind show (an 11 day crafts show featuring over 800 artisans from across the…
Read MoreIt’s hot. It’s humid. It’s sultry, hazy, languid, whatever you want to call it, it’s hot. These are the “dog days” of summer. I’ve always heard that expression, but then I wondered, why are they called dog days? Theory one…
Read MoreBack in my last newsletter I told you that I was debating on creating work based on birthstones. And I asked for your opinions. What was your birthstones and did you wear it? Muchas gracias for all your responses, SO…
Read MoreCustomers have been asking for ages for a really long chain, like you see in all the magazines. So I sourced out some really nice 36″ long chains. Wow, 36″ is really long! I found that for me it is…
Read MoreLampworking is a kind of hot glasswork where a torch is used to melt glass. Once the glass is molten, the worker forms it by blowing or shaping it with tools and movements. Lampwork is used to create glass beads,…
Read MoreSolid pops of colour. Yes. I am in the mood for these. I’d be hard pressed to choose between blue and green as my favourite, depends on my mood. And I’m picky about what shade of green but blues can…
Read MoreOver the past 6 shows one of the most frequent things I’ve heard is “oh, you have so much new work!” Why yes I do. It’s because I did that 30/30 challenge in May. I did promise you a blog…
Read MoreWOOHOOO!!!! Day 30 of the 30 New Pieces of Jewelry in 30 Days! I end this with a Fire Opal necklace. Opals were prized in the middle ages as they were believed to bring great luck because it was thought…
Read MoreDay 9 of my 30 New Pieces of Jewelry in 30 Days. The galaxy ring necklace. The nugget beads are so much fun to make I made more. Each bead is hand faceted – this time with an oyster shucker!…
Read MoreAll my creativity today went into making this bracelet along with many other beads. I am left without enough creative juice to name this really pretty little bracelet! It’s simple and effective! Perfect for a touch of whimsy. Available here….
Read MoreI’ve been going out on photo walk, photo bike rides, photo every things. Not only am I trying to figure out this new camera (must admit, it rarely goes off the Auto setting), but soon I’ll be back in the…
Read MoreWhen I had a conundrum last month I turned to you to help solve it. With a giant pile of earrings I needed a good collective noun for just that, a giant pile of earrings. And oh, we are a…
Read MoreOh the stuff I have! So much stuff! After 11 years of creating I am overwhelmed with stuff. Odd and ends and bits and bobs. Just stuff. There’s single beads that don’t have mates, there’s beads from colour themes that…
Read MoreWay back in my last newsletter (have I mentioned how sorry I am that I missed a couple?) I told you that I was debating on creating work based on birthstones. And I asked for your opinions. What was your…
Read MoreA touch of candy to sweeten your day. Light weight earrings with big presence. This is day 10 of my 30 New Pieces of Jewelry in 30 Days challenge. Available in the store. $20.00 Every day for the month of May I…
Read MoreAccording the my calendar it is officially spring. While it may be grey and dreary outside, if you look closely at the gardens there are flashes of spring. I’m concentrating on those gorgeous spring colours, the pinks and purples of…
Read MoreSo here’s the deal. I’ve just had a lovely long break from “work” and while I was on vacation my brain just kept spinning around. Everywhere I look I see beads and jewelry. Those flowers? A bracelet. Those clouds? A…
Read MoreI am craving the sight of the ocean, of feeling the surf on my ankles and of my toes sinking into the soft sand. I am craving a walk along the waters edge where the soft colours and the sounds…
Read MoreMy new found love of red, specifically this cherry red continues with this cherry dot necklace. After avoiding red for my whole life I have fallen deeply in love with this gorgeous, slightly streaky, cherry red. Maybe it’s because it’s…
Read Moreanother day, another gorgeous sunset. tell me i’m not boring you with endless sunsets….
Read Moretoday was just an unfortunate day. my espresso machine at home is broken and in the “espresso machine hospital” so there was no morning caffeine. my bike tires weren’t properly inflated and made cycling that dang hill to the studio…
Read MoreIt’s finally nice and hot and humid! I love this weather! And what says “it’s summer!” more than a great ice cream? I believe I’ve mentioned that a lot of my beads are motivated by food. Well, in August you…
Read MoreYou’re a star, yes you are, each and every one of you! It appears that we all have the same tastes too! Colin Firth is by far the number one star for us followed by George Clooney and Tom Hanks….
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