colour soaked

i know i should be organizing inventory, or cleaning chains, or filling out my next PST return (oh ick) but i just want to sit and soak up my fabulous new space. i LOVE my new studio!!! it makes me want to make things! and not just beads and jewelry. slowly slowly slowly it is coming together. the work space is organized and functional (the kiln is heating up as i type so that i can make some monet pendants and earrings). the office is organized, well ok, organized might be going too far, i still need a bulletin board and a really good filing system, but the printer and the computer work! my assembly area is there, all nice and clean (clean for me). then i decided that i need a little “chill out” area. i hit up craigslist – oh boy, don’t you just love craigslist – and came up with 2 ikea chairs for cheap cheap cheap. why were they so cheap? because they’re white. seriously screaming white. and white chairs against white walls is just so not good. besides who owns white chairs?

dear owners of white chairs, what were you thinking? i’m afraid to even look at these white chairs because i’ll get them dirty! how do you live? do you not eat chocolate chip cookies? because you know, one of those little chips is going to fall off the cookie and explode onto the white chair. and lets not even go there concerning red wine. i swear some red wine from the bar downstairs will suck it’s way through the heating system and land on my screaming white chair.

since i’m feeling mighty creative these days i decided to dye the chair covers. and at the same time i dyed the t-shirt i was wearing, the socks, the laundry sink and anything within 8 feet of the laundry sink. thank god for basements.

behold, one screaming blue chair and the other, which i can’t get the true colour to show is a hot raspberry.

love them.
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One Response to “colour soaked”
  1. Maurice says:

    I’m impressed the ‘white’ covers didn’t shrink as they took on their new characters. I like wine, so I’ll sit in …?

    Congrats on new studio.


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