I believe in Karma


Karma: the belief that what goes around comes around.

Yes, I believe in karma. I believe in the sharing of information, of friendship and of resources. I also believe strongly in entrepreneurship and the power of people to succeed when given the resources.

Here in Canada we are incredibly fortunate. We have enough. We actually have far more than we need. When there is a catastrophe in the world we open our purses to help those in need. And that is a good thing. However I believe that in the spirit of karma that it is important to share all the time, not just at those moments of dire need.

We are fortunate also in opportunity. We live in a safe, prosperous society with a wealth of choices. We are not scrambling to cover basic needs, we can voice our opinions without fear, we can make choose the direction we want our lives to go.

Everybody should have these opportunities.

It is because of these beliefs that I have picked Kiva as my organization of choice.

Kiva is an organization that provides micro loans to entrepreneurs in developing countries. As a lender, you view the profiles of borrowers and decide who and where your money is going. For my first Kiva loan I chose a Mongolian tinsmith. Some of my subsequent loans have included a Columbian food stall owner, a Kenyan weaver of Batik fabric, and a Mongolian butcher. I favour women in either the crafts industry or the food industry, my personal bias. Many of these women are single mothers who are looking to better their lives and to educate their children.

My Karma necklace is a simple sterling silver circle, hammered to reflect the light. A circle to remind you that what goes around comes around.

50% from every sale of every Karma necklace will be given to Kiva so that another woman has a chance to get ahead. Available here


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