I survived!!!
Aaaaahhhhhhh sleep is a wonderful thing. After the mad rush of prepping for a show of that size, the sheer luxury of waking on my own, no alarm clock, and just lying in bed is absolute bliss. I’ve had a couple of couch days and am beginning to feel like me again. That show is such a high it has to be balanced with a few days of low. First there was the insane rush of creating enough inventory for 11 days, then the move-in, the joy of seeing so many friends from all over the country!
As we set up and babbled on, admiring new work and catching up on lives I was amazed that another year had gone by. Really? How did that happen? Then speaking to people for 12 hours a day, it’s kind of insane. And you know what? I LOVE it.
A really cool part of the show this year was participating in the Open Studios. Show management set up a full lampwork glass studio and I made beads for an hour a day. Even though I tell people “I make my beads” and I have photos in my booth, until they see the glass actually melting in the torch and watch how a bead is made most people don’t really understand that each bead is made one by one. I forget sometimes that what I do is magic, I take this for granted. Sharing the magic and hearing the “ooooooohhhhh aaaahhhhh” as I pull out a line of hot glass is really rewarding. It’s moments like this that make me forget the late nights and hard work. It’s when I realize how much I love my “job”.