One of my favourite things to do here in the boatyard is to just lie in the sun and listen to the birdies chirping. I’m not good with identifying what kind of birds they are, I just like listening to them. I do know the woodpeckers and the whippoorwills. And there are these really cute little bananaquits, tiny little grey birds with yellow chests. (oh, wouldn’t that make a great necklace, grey and yellow?). Just listening to the birdies sing makes it feel like summer. It reminds me of being a kid in Australia where the bird life is unbelievable. I remember many a morning being woken before the sun by the flocks of kookaburras. How about you? What’s your favourite bird?
To enter to win simply leave a comment!
The winner will be chosen in a completely random draw on April 15.
Sailor girl Jewelry,
I absolutely LOVE your newsletter. Your stories and optimistic thoughts are enjoyable for all of your fans. I have met you a few times at the yearly Cobourg show held on the Canada Day long weekend. I love your jewelry and look forward to seeing you again this year…
Thank you for being such a unique individual. Have a wonderful time on he boat. I look forward to your pictures….
A Loyal Fan,
gee, you’re making me blush! see you in Cobourg! any special request for me to bring? favourite colour?
My favourite bird has to be the cardinal. I love the bird’s lovely, vivid colour and its beautiful songs. Can’t wait to see them this spring after the long, cold winter in Toronto…
cardinals are SO pretty! i’ve seen several lately but the little beasties will not stay still long enough for me to get a photo.
I finally got to your new website and love it. I look great in any piece of jewelry I get from you. I get great comments on how beautiful and unique each one is. Look forward to purchasing more from you. Fair sails.
This winter I while driving along the frozen shores of Lake Huron I saw 12 bald eagles in a tree. Very magestic creatures!
I look forward to you newsletters and envy your March/April on the water! Love your little bird charm. Hope I win one to add to my collection. Also love that new glass you are working with. Amazing change of colours.
12???? that must be a record. good for you!
Dear Sailor girl Jewellery,
I really do enjoy your newsletter. Your designs are just gorgeous. Look forward to seeing you again in Cobourg on the July long weekend. Enjoy your time down south.
My favourite bird hands down is the canary with beautiful birdsong and lovely colour.
Bye for now,
cindy, what is your favourite colour canary? maybe i can do a whole canary line of beads!
I really do enjoy your newsletter. As well, your designs are just gorgeous. Enjoy your time down south.
My favourite bird is the canary with it’s beautiful birdsong and lovely colour.
By for now,
Love the website! Very unique (like your jewellery)! I love chickadees….so cute. Cute necklace too! Wishing you the best Spring!
and an awesome spring to you too Sandy!
Well despite the fact that I have had more than enough of winter and cannot wait for spring and the chirping of our little feathered friends, my favourite bird is the penguin.
Lovely to receive your email and hear about your plans. Your Little Bird necklace is so sweet – reminds me of the Dark-eyed Juncos eating under the bird feeders! I love to see the swans heading north – a true herald of Spring! Enjoy the sailing! -14 degrees here as I write
Cardinals are so bright against the dull of winter. And their call is so distinct. They give me a special hope sometimes when things in February get a little gloomy. Happy Spring…almost.
I love the cardinal. I can look out my back windows and see the cardinals all winter long in the evergreen trees. They are beautiful spots of colours that bring a smile to face.
Love your jewelry all the time. It is simple, unique and classic. I look forward to seeing u again next summer at the craft show in Bracebridge and hopefully getting a new bracelet
It is funny that you made a cardinal necklace. We feed the cardinals everyday. In fact there are two new additions this year. BTW, they love crushed walnuts.
Thanks again for the lovely pieces.
i’ll see you in Bracebridge! and maybe i’ll have a cardinal coloured bracelet for you!
Hi, thanks for the giveaway!
i love dove! they are calm, soft, and beautiful. it is also symbol of love and i just wish to have doves in my wedding party!
Saw a Snowy Owl down at our marina a few weeks ago… Breathtaking.
so cute! =)
Such a pretty necklace! Thanks for the chance to win it!
I just wanted to say that Cedar Waxwings are one of my favourite birds. I’m looking forward to meeting you this summer at the Cobourg Waterfront Festival. Can’t wait!
I love bluebirds! They make me happy!
me too.