Recently I was asked “don’t you miss making beads and jewelry when you’re on vacation?” Yes, yes I do. However I’m pretty good about finding other stuff to do and to be honest, a small break is good for the creative soul. Sometimes here I get so darn BUSY making beads and jewelry that I don’t have time for anything else. My life isn’t exactly balanced. So while I’m not in the studio I get to play with other fun stuff. First on the list, my annual tank top. I like to knit, I like to crochet. Not well I might add, but who cares? It amuses me. The bug usually hits around October. When the weather turns cool and you just want to snuggle into a scarf, when the urge for matching mittens and hats hit, that’s when I want to knit. For some reason last October was a dry spell for my knitting urges, they just didn’t happen. Now, now they are upon me. I want to play with yarn. It’s a good boat project because it’s very portable. I learnt to crochet on the last trip to the Bahamas. I only had one ball of cotton so I picked up my learn to crochet book and worked on a stitch until I had it. Then I’d unravel it and learn the next one. I should mention that the urge to knit always ends before I finish a project. We hit my favourite yarn store (Romni Wools on Queen St W, Toronto) the other day so I could pick up cotton for my annual tank top. I begin one every year. I’ve never finished one. This year I swear I will finish this.