our nations capital
more globetrotting for me! okay, so not exactly globe but country trotting. back from the Signatures Christmas craft show in our nations capital. i’d forgotten just how much french there is in Ottawa. my favourite comment? “oooohh, c’est sharp!” love that.
my all time favourite moment? this…
“WOW, WOW, WOW! this is spectacular. I feel uplifted just from being here.” and with a huge smile she left my booth.
Me. I did that. My work inspired someone and made them happy.
You know, running a tiny business like this can be really hard. I admit, there’s times when I think I am completely insane and should go back to a cube farm and toil for someone else. Then I stand in my booth surrounded by all my pretties and my work – something I created all by myself – puts a smile on someone’s face. Yes, all the work is worth it.