you know the hardest thing about being self-employed? it’s when the weather is absolutely fantastic and you’re sitting inside looking at a long list of to-do’s…
self says, “you know, you’ve got 2 shows in a row next week. you really need to make some beads, and some headpins, and there’s all those earrings waiting to be assembled. and there’s a half a dozen people waiting for special orders. you need to do these things.”
self replies, “bloody hell, it’s gorgeous outside. go for a bike ride. you need to go to the post office, there’s a post office across town, if you follow the bike path it won’t take long, you don’t need to go to the post office at the end of the street.”
self says, “oh, all right, just a quick jaunt.”
then there’s the racing on tuesdays and wednesdays…
deepest apologies to those of you who are waiting for your custom orders. it’s supposed to rain on sunday so you should have images by monday…