September 2016 giveaway!

water opal pendant by sailorgirl jewelry

It is still hot hot hot and then more hot! I am so thankful for my excellent air conditioner in the studio! When you sit in front of a torch that is 1700 degrees the air con is a must. And I’m sitting in front of that torch a lot because, you know, xmas is coming. (And because it’s fun and I like it). I’ve been busy making water opals today so I decided that this month I am giving away a Water Opal pendant.

It’s an easy one this month, leave a comment below and say hello in any language other than English.

The winner will be chosen in a random draw on October 1, 2016.


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31 Responses to “September 2016 giveaway!”
  1. Wendy Kogel says:

    Guten Tag!!

  2. Arlene says:

    Parev (which means hello in Armenian)

  3. Susan Bowers says:

    Bon jour, love love the colours

  4. Sandy McCluskey says:

    Hi, I love your jewelry!


    • Dorothy Beauchamp says:

      I have never done a triathlon but I have done many marathons and think the triathlon necklace is brilliant!

  5. LMacL says:

    Halò (Scots Gaelic)

  6. Elizabeth Starr says:

    Chiquita Chiquita estas bien ??? Caliente Caliente !!

  7. Jane Ottman says:

    Hej (Swedish “hi”)

  8. Judy Bennink says:

    Goeie dag (Dutch). Love your work! Have had a lot of compliments on the pendant that I have.

  9. Judy Bennink says:

    Goeie dag (Dutch).
    Love your work!

  10. Sue says:

    Konnichiwa! Thank you for making such beautiful jewelry.

  11. Kristen Ferris says:

    One of my favorite pieces!

  12. Laurie W. says:

    Bonjour. C’est bon!!

  13. Claire de Visme says:

    J’adore le verre, ses couleurs, ses reflets, et sa transparence. Merci pour les beaux bijoux!!

  14. Sandra Manuel says:

    Dia dhuit (Irish)! Happy September!

  15. Karen Robertson says:

    Ni hao (hello in chineses)

  16. Sandra Czarnik says:

    Hola!! Love your jewellery! So many beautiful colours, so hard to choose! See you in Cabbagetown!

  17. Leesa Pellettier says:

    Hei hei! (Norwegian)

  18. Jean Simrose says:

    I love your beads! I’d love to wear something that you’ve made!

  19. Jacqueline says:

    Hallo/Hooi (Dutch hello/hi)

  20. Susan McEvoy says:

    Guten Tag! And since it’s later in the day now, Guten Abend!

  21. Heather McGregor says:

    Aloha! Fabulous pieces! Hope the weather holds for your weekend show!

  22. Kathleen says:

    Jambo! (hello in Swahili) Hope you’re well and enjoying the on-going heat of summer :-)

  23. Jaclyn Reynolds says:


  24. Shannon says:


  25. Joy Smith says:

    “Hujambo” (hello in Swahili) – your jewellery is beautifully unique!

  26. Lisa Brown says:

    Ciao! Grazie per la possibilità di vincere :)
    jslbrown2009 at aol dot com

  27. Ali says:

    Aye Aye is how my Granda said hello in Doric

  28. Mina says:

    Bonjour. thanks

  29. Jackie says:

    Love the triathlon necklace. Is it possible to get a custom 3, say skier, swimmer, hiker? Enjoy, Cheers, Jackie :)

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