My very own gallery and working studio!!!

Now isn’t that one heck of a way to start a new year?

For the past 2 years I’ve been working out of my home studio and a shared showroom downtown for the public side. Being in 2 places is difficult, stuff keeps getting left in one place when it should be in the other. And business is good these days (thank you!), good enough that I contemplated hiring a bit of help for all the dumb stuff I don’t have time to do, like filing. Except that I couldn’t find my filing cabinet under the piles of stuff and I didn’t have room for another person to sit and work. I’m out of space. It’s amazing how much room beads take up. Look at your earrings, who knew you need so much space to make those tiny little baubles?

So I decided to move out of home and get some serious space. And I decided that if I’m in real space then you should be able to come and visit and see me make beads.

The Sailorgirl Studio and Gallery
535A Danforth Ave
Toronto, ON
Don’t call this number today, it will be hooked up on Tuesday Dec 22.
My official opening will be in March, there’s a lot of set up to do. And of course I’ll be off sailing in February. (I couldn’t be Sailorgirl if I didn’t go sailing!). When I’m back from the blue seas there will be one heck of an opening party. This is a big deal for me! Stay tuned!
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