the studio tour

Wow! It’s official, my gallery/studio is now open. Last Friday’s launch was FANTASTIC – by 6 p.m. I had everything nicely tidy and very presentable. And it looked totally, 100% awesome if I do say so myself. For those who were unable to make it here it is:

You’ve seen the front door and the hallway before. Once you climb the stairs you enter into my gallery section. Your first view:

Now turn to your left. All the window have 18″ insets so I decided to take advantage of all that light.
I’m very happy with the flowers on the wall as display.

Now turn to the right.
And if you turn again behind you is a large mirror and yes, more jewelry!
Now we’ll walk through into the working studio part. That lovely white table (which is 8′ long) rarely is this clear (actually it’s never this clear). This is my assembly table, usually about a foot deep in beads and half finished pieces. Want to see what’s new? It will be somewhere on there.
Just behind the jewelry counter is my little “time out” area. No napping here, oh no. I would never nap in those comfy chairs. I was particularly pleased with my dye job on these previously white chairs. Because white is just so not happening anywhere around me.
Beside the chairs is my little photography area. Natural light is of course best for shooting images and thankfully I have no shortage of that here. I’ve been experimenting with best places to take photos and it really depends on the time of day. So far the coffee table in front of the blue chairs has proven to be the winner.
Against the back wall is my bookshelf/storage area. I’ve discovered that if you just stuff all the junk in pretty coloured bins anything can look good! The trick is to remember which bin you put stuff in. I’d label them however then they wouldn’t look as nice. Just to the right of the bookshelves you can see a blue curtain. Behind that… shudder… storage… booth stuff, packaging, wood bits, lights, tent… all the stuff that you accumulate over 7 years in business. This is where I cram anything that I can’t find a proper home for. Do not look.
On the right side is my glass area. Kiln, torch, (the propane tank is outside, through the 1′ thick brick wall), oxygen concentrators and oodles and oodles of glass rods. One day I’ll do a proper shoot of just this table.
Beside the glass area is my silver bench. This is for metalsmithing and bead cleaning. This is probably the hardest area to keep tidy, so many teeny bits.

And just on the right of that is my kitchen area, oops no photo.

So there you have it, my world. If you’re in the neighbourhood stop by and see it in person.

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5 Responses to “the studio tour”
  1. Sylvia Drown says:

    It’s beautiful…so neat and nicely organized. You can see mine on my blog, here’s the link for the Studio:

    Come by for a visit!

  2. Lori Sanders says:

    Wow!! It looks great! Mine is still in the works. Any suggestions on where to get display counters and cases? Right now I am shopping on craigslist.

  3. RuffHaven says:

    Thanks. Your studio is so devine. Love your style…so bright and open.

  4. Dale Parker says:

    your studio/gallery is awesome. I think I have studio envy. I have some pics of mine but have not put them on my blog yet.

  5. valeriehart says:

    Wow lovely studio Catherine! Thanks for sharing the photos. Makes me want to clean mine up and take pics too! Happy Summer! Love & blessings, xoxo Valerie

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