Winner for the May 2014 giveaway!

pearl birds nest necklace by Sailorgirl Jewelry

At the beginning of May I was starting my 30 Day challenge and I was wondering, what colour combination made you think of spring? Not surprisingly there was a lot of green in your answers. I get that, it’s all those new leaves showing up. Like me, many of you liked the soft colours of spring, pinks, and purples, like the flowers around us. Lena Gillespie likes pale mint and mauve. Lena is this months winner (in a totally random draw using

Lena wins a Birds Nest necklace. Excellent.

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2 Responses to “Winner for the May 2014 giveaway!”
  1. Karen Frauley says:

    Ocean Bubble Strand is gorgeous, as are they all! I’d love to see it in pinks and oranges. Hope you have a great summer and may all your shows be sunny. Will see you in Guelph at Art on the Street.

  2. Lena Gillespie says:

    I had no idea I won…..:(

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