100 happy days, 97 – 100

Every day for 100 days, I take a photo of something that makes me happy.

100 happy days  by sailorgirl jewelry 97 - 100

From top left:

97.Damn I love wandering around in a city where all the buildings are just so beautiful. Everything is so impossibly pretty! How could anyone ever be in a bad mood in this city? I love Paris.

98.Happy birthday to me!!!!! I meant to post a photo of cake but I forgot to take a photo! Instead there is my breakfast galette (with smoked salmon, cheese and egg) followed by the spectacular oysters. And oyster man of course sold wine. All this at a fabulous outdoor market. Fine way to celebrate life.

99.So shopping is not really my thing. I get bored and cranky. Shopping today however was a whole new deal. When it involves Nomine-Renard champagne and trying on spectacular jewelry? Oh yeah, sign me up!!! That little ruby and diamond ring on my finger? If you want to buy it for me it’s a mere Euro 350,000. Do you know what a nice boat I could buy for that??? It was fun while it lasted.

100.So on my last day of my 100 happy day project I wandered into a fabulous letterpress atelier on a whim. And there was this card. The universe speaks! So I took the universes’ directions and did every one of these. Because these simple things are what makes me happy. I am pretty proud of myself for finishing this project. Now I am going to repeat #7 but substitute wine for tea.

To see the full size photos, check out my Instagram feed.

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