spring 2015 giveaway
Did you see my video of the wind in the trees? Listen closely. There’s birdies singing!!! I just LOVE the sound of birdies chirping. One of my favourite memories of being a kid in Australia is of listening to the flocks of kookaburras laughing, such a joyous sound.
In the spirit of spring, I am giving away one of my Pearl Nest Necklaces!
To enter the giveaway: leave a comment below. Tell me your favourite birdy.
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There are so many amazing birds out there, it’s hard to pick just one favourite! The rich bright colours of the Indian peacock are simply amazing, so that’s what I’ll pick.
My favourite bird is the Robin, especially the first one I see in the spring. Hopefully soon! A couple of years ago, we had a robin’s nest on top of our porch light – the mother robin would scold us each time we left the house, and we actually started going out the back door until the eggs hatched.
Cardinal. It was my high school mascot. Brings back great memories of growing up in a small town every time I see one.
It’s the cardinal. I saw one the other day while going for a power walk with the dog in tow. He hates power walks as minimal time to smell the roses and trees and fire hydrants…until I saw a beautiful cardinal. It was the first of the spring, and before I saw him, I could hear him, that beautiful melodious singing voice. The cardinal does it for me;-). Enjoy your new boat!!
Hi Catherine,
My favourite birdy would be the delicate and delightful Black-capped chickadee.
Cutie cute necklace! Fav bird is the chickadee. Cutie too!
My favourite bird is the Robin -with her lovely red breast and her twitterings which heralds the arrival of spring and new beginnings . Vicki
My favourite bird is the cardinal…just starting to see them again after this long winter!
I love Cardinals……….the males are so bright red and just beautiful.
My favourite bird is the hummingbird. I could watch these amazing creatures all day…
Yours is probably the prettiest bird’s nest I’ve ever seen! My favourite bird is this silly quail we have in our neighbourhood in BC. They have a little feather that sprouts out of their foreheads and they run like mad across the roads, rarely flying. Their babies are the cutest little balls of fluff who also run madly between the shrubberies.
I love the bright red of the male cardinal especially in the winter against the white snow. I also adore the chickadees and their sweet song and I have to mention the orioles that come to visit in May-June. If I had to pick one, it would probably have to be the cardinal.
My favorite bird has always been the beautiful hummingbirds. The busy little iridescent birds are fun to watch and fun to feed. I have some that when I get back home after being south all winter sometimes fly to my window like they are saying hurry up I want my nectar now. They even buzz me when I take it out.
Little yellow goldfinches! I love the splash of colour they bring to my summer bird feeder.
Last summer our hunter cat had to be put down, so for Christmas I gave my husband a bird feeder and seed. What an amazing winter; the birds were such a riot. There are the cardinal couple, the finches, the woodpecker couple, sparrows and chickadees galore, and my favorite the upside down nuthatches. These guys/gals do most of their business upside down. They never fed from the feeder like the other birds, always upside down.
In the summer the orioles song is the sweetest. At the cottage it is the humming birds, for such a small sweet looking wee thing they are down right mean; flying just above your head. They also yell and chase each other around the deck and away from the feeder.
Just gotta love these feathered beings and their quirky attitudes.
My favourite bird is one that you don’t always see, but you usually hear first. And it is so quintessentially Canadian – the Loon. Just saying it’s name makes me hear the announcer from the Hinterland Who’s Who PSAs who made sure that for everyone who grew up in those years, if you never saw a real Loon, you at least had heard one on the TV.
I love big beautiful white swans. They look so regal.
i’m partial to budgies because I had them as pets as a kid!
The old woodpecker. Just listening to them drumming starts spring
I feed and enjoy wild birds in the woods around my house in the Appalachian mountains, but I have to say my favorites are my two rescued African Grey parrots who came to me three years ago. They were left at a shelter when their owner took sick and have learned to imitate the voices in our family as well as the song birds outside. They are a lot of fun while we run a business from our home, sometimes pretending to be part of conference calls and fooling our customers!